A downloadable game

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1. Get a team. Define roles. (Max. 4) players

Team with 4 player (Explorer, Achiever, Killer, Socialiser)

2.  Socialisers blow up the balloon of opponent’s team. And define the destination between the killer and the ballon. Besides, Socialisers also can make a decisions about what items to buy or what choices to make while catching the other player by the teammate.

3.  Killers carry the gun. Only Killers can shoot at the balloon.

4.  Explorers and Achievers place their figures on the board and take their Power Cards accordingly. Roll a dice. The player with the highest total starts the play. Turns rotate among the players in a clockwise order. A player move as per dice number.

5.  Each team has the Activation Letter. If the Explorer or Achiever lend to that letter they have a choice: A - to pick a letter (for Achievers) or play a quiz (for Explorers). B - To buy powers and let the Killer to use the gun.  NB! The player cannot use an Activation letter if the same letter is occupied by an opponent somewhere on the board.

6.  The Pentagon Square allows the player to teleport to any letter. NB! The player can teleport to their Activation Letter only to pick a letter (for Achievers) or play a quiz (for Explorers).

7. If the Killer successfully shoots the opponent’s balloon, the team wins.


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P vs S - to print and play.zip 340 kB

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